The shades of evening had closed the short winter's day, when the two Princesses entered Potsdam, passing under the triumphal arch. A candle light was shining in almost every window. Their entire family accompanied the two Princesses. The following day the carriage carried the wedding party to the outskirts of Berlin. There, Luise and Frederica took their place in a glass coach, where they could be seen from every angle. It was December 23 and the streets were packed with onlookers. One observer said if you tossed an apple into the crowd, it would never reach the ground. At the gates of Berlin an arch had been set up. There the procession halted to accept flowers from a group of little girls. A small boy, son of Huguenot refugees from France, said a small poem of welcome to the Princesses.

The next day Luise and the Frederick William were married in the White Room of the Palace. The ceremony was followed by a torchlit parade to the reverberating sounds of trumpets and the rolling thunder of kettle drums. Two days later Frederica and Louis were married in the same fashion. The wedding festivities merged with the Christmas celebrations and went on into the Midwinter Carnival. It was not until mid-February that Luise's family left for home.


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